8 Hot Sexy Carrie Hamilton Bikini Pics

Carrie Hamilton Bikini

Carrie Hamilton, the talented TV actress known for her roles in shows like “Fame” and “The X-Files,” was not only a seasoned performer but also a stunning beauty. Her bikini photos captured her captivating charm and undeniable allure, leaving an indelible mark on her fans. In this article, we explore the alluring bikini photos of Carrie Hamilton, celebrating her timeless beauty and the graceful confidence she exuded both on and off-screen. Join us in revisiting these captivating images and diving into the enchanting world of this beloved TV actress.

Carrie Hamilton Bikini Pics

About Carrie Hamilton

Carrie Hamilton (December 5,1963) was an American actress, singer and playwright. She is best known for her role as Reggie Higgins on the fifth and sixth season of the TV musical Fame, and for her dancing performance on the first national tour of the stage musical Rent.

Before pursuing her career in entertainment, she studied music and acting at Pepperdine University.

Hamilton’s parents are widely popular comedian Carol Burnett and TV producer Joe Hamilton. She was also a source of inspiration behind La Roux’s 1983 hit song “Carrie’s Gone.”