8 Hot Sexy Zoe Lofgren Bikini Pics

Zoe Lofgren Bikini

Zoe Lofgren bikini photos refer to images of Zoe Lofgren, a prominent American politician, which garnered attention online. These photos have sparked discussions about privacy in the digital age and the intersection of personal life with political visibility.

Zoe Lofgren Bikini Pics

About Zoe Lofgren

Zoe Lofgren, born on December 21, 1947 in California, is a Democrat from California who began her political career as a Member of the U.S. House of Representatives in 1995. Notably, she served as the Chairman of the House Ethics Committee from 2009 to 2011.

Prior to her political career, Lofgren earned a J.D. from Santa Clara University and briefly worked in immigration law.

A trivia about Lofgren is that she notably opposed the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), garnering support from many individuals on the internet for her stance against it.

In terms of family life, Zoe Lofgren is married to John Marshall Collins.