8 Hot Sexy Zelda Fitzgerald Bikini Pics

Zelda Fitzgerald Bikini

Zelda Fitzgerald, often known for her vivacious personality and iconic fashion sense, captured the essence of the Roaring Twenties with her alluring and timeless bikini photos. As a style icon celebrated for her daring and liberated spirit, Zelda’s bikini photos showcase her undeniable elegance and glamour, making her a timeless muse for fashion enthusiasts and admirers alike. Explore the captivating charm of Zelda Fitzgerald in her stunning bikini photos, a true embodiment of an era that continues to inspire and captivate to this day.

Zelda Fitzgerald Bikini Pics

About Zelda Fitzgerald

Zelda Fitzgerald was born on July 24, 1900 in Montgomery, Alabama. She was a writer, painter, dancer and the famous wife of author F. Scott Fitzgerald. Known for her tremendous social appetite and her struggles with mental illness, she became an icon of the Lost Generation and the Roaring Twenties.

Before gaining fame, Zelda was extremely active as a child spending most of her time swimming, dancing and being outdoors. She studied at Sidney Lanier High School in Montgomery where she was a bright but distracted student.

In addition to pursuing various creative endeavors during her lifetime, she also wrote an autobiography called Save Me the Waltz in 1932. Zelda was one of six siblings born to Minerva Buckner Machen and Anthony Dickinson Syre. In 1918 while still young she met F. Scott Fitzgerald who would later become her husband; together they had a daughter named Frances Scott Fitzgerald.