5 Hot Sexy Xaviera Hollander Bikini Pics

Xaviera Hollander Bikini

Xaviera Hollander’s iconic bikini photos capture the timeless beauty and allure of this beloved figure. Renowned for her captivating personality and striking looks, Xaviera’s bikini snapshots not only showcase her stunning physique but also embody an empowering spirit that has resonated with fans for decades. Explore these captivating images to discover the enduring appeal of Xaviera Hollander and her legacy as a trailblazer in the world of glamour and entertainment.

Xaviera Hollander Bikini Pics

About Xaviera Hollander

Xaviera Hollander, born on June 15, 1943 in Indonesia

is a former call girl and writer best known for her memoir The Happy Hooker: My Own Story.

She spent the first three years of her life in a Japanese internment camp before working as a secretary in the 1960s.

Hollander wrote an advice column for Penthouse Magazine for 35 years and described herself as turning gay in 1997 after being in a relationship with a woman. She later married Dutchman Philip de Haan in 2007.