10 Sexy New Suzanne Somers Bikini Pics

Suzanne Somers Bikini

Suzanne Somers, the iconic actress and fitness expert, has captivated audiences for decades with her timeless beauty and enviable physique. Her stunning bikini photos serve as a testament to her dedication to health and wellness, inspiring women of all ages to embrace their bodies and embrace a healthy lifestyle. With her radiant smile and confidence, Suzanne’s bikini photos embody empowerment and serve as a source of inspiration for those seeking to feel confident and beautiful in their own skin.

Suzanne Somers Bikini Pics

About Suzanne Somers

Suzanne Somers is an American actress and singer born on October 16, 1946 in San Bruno, California. She rose to fame for her portrayal of Chrissy Snow on the television series Three’s Company from 1977 to 1981, and later starred in Step by Step from 1991 until 1998.

Prior to her acting career, she briefly appeared on the game show Anniversary Game where she met her second husband. Somers has faced health challenges including battles with breast and skin cancer.

She was criticized by the American Cancer Society for her advocacy of alternative cancer treatments. Born Suzanne Marie Mahoney, she kept her first husband’s last name after their divorce in 1968. Together they had a son named Bruce. In 1977, she married Alan Hamel.