10 Hot Sexy Shirley Jones Bikini Pics

Shirley Jones Bikini

Shirley Jones is a timeless beauty with a stunning collection of bikini photos that showcase her radiant confidence and natural elegance. From sultry beachside shots to glamorous poolside poses, these captivating images capture the allure of the Hollywood icon in her most alluring form. Get ready to be mesmerized by Shirley Jones’ captivating beauty and grace as we delve into her stunning bikini photo collection.

Shirley Jones Bikini Pics

About Shirley Jones

Shirley Jones (born March 31, 1934) is a prominent American movie actress. She is best known for her starring role as Shirley Partridge on the hit TV show The Partridge Family. A talented singer and actress, she earned acclaim for her performance as Linda Cabot in Never Steal Anything Small, which garnered her a Laurel Award for Top Female Musical Performance.

Prior to gaining fame in Hollywood, Jones won the Miss Pittsburgh contest in 1952. Notably, she received an Academy Award in 1962 for her portrayal of a prostitute in Elmer Gantry.

In terms of family life, Shirley Jones married Jack Cassidy in August of 1956 and the couple had three sons – Shaun, Patrick, and Ryan. They ultimately divorced in 1974. In 1977, she remarried Marty Ingels with whom she remained until his passing in 2015.