10 Hot Sexy Michele Mouton Bikini Pics

Michele Mouton Bikini

Michele Mouton, the renowned race car driver and the first woman to win a World Championship rally, has also been celebrated for her striking beauty. The internet is abuzz with her captivating bikini photos that showcase her athletic physique and effortless charm. As fans search for glimpses of this iconic sporting figure, these bikini photos serve to commemorate the indelible impact Michele Mouton has made on motorsport and beyond. Discover the allure and grace of Michele Mouton in these stunning bikini photos that continue to inspire and captivate her admirers.

Michele Mouton Bikini Pics

About Michele Mouton

Michele Mouton is a French race car driver born on June 23, 1951. She is most known for her participation in the World Rally Championship, notably driving for Audi from 1974 to 1986 and securing victories in four races.

Before pursuing her racing career, Mouton studied law but left school to focus on rally racing training.

She also co-founded the international event Race of Champions. In her personal life, she married Claude Guarnieri and had her first child in 1987.