8 Hot Sexy Lean Green Girl Bikini Pics

Lean Green Girl Bikini

Experience the beauty and confidence of Lean Green Girl in these stunning bikini photos. From idyllic beach scenes to serene poolside moments, our collection captures the essence of Lean Green Girl’s vitality and strength. Embrace the inspiration of her radiant personality and healthy lifestyle as you immerse yourself in these captivating images. Get ready to embark on a visual journey that celebrates wellness, elegance, and the joy of embracing your natural beauty.

Lean Green Girl Bikini Pics

About Lean Green Girl

Lean Green Girl, born on October 13, 1986 in the United States, is a well-known Live.me Star. With a fan base of over 140,000 followers on Live.me, she advocates for health and wellness under the moniker Lean Green Girl. A professional health coach, nutritionist, and personal trainer by trade, she has also been an ambassador for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

She obtained her degree from Indiana University before receiving training at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition as well as with Aerobics and Fitness Association of America. Lean Green Girl has made appearances on WBBM Newsradio as the voice of the Eating Right Minute PSA.

Her real name is Sarah Haas and she is a mother of two children.