9 Hot New Laurene Jobs Bikini Pics

Laurene Powell Jobs Bikini

Laurene Powell Jobs, the widow of Steve Jobs and a prominent figure in Silicon Valley, recently made headlines after posting photos of herself looking glamorous while vacationing in Italy. In the photos, which have gone viral on social media, Powell Jobs is wearing a bikini that shows off her toned physique. This article will give an overview of Powell Jobs’ life and career as well as discuss the reaction to her latest photos.

Laurene Powell Jobs Bikini Pics

About Laurene Powell Jobs

Laurene Powell Jobs is the widow of the late Steve Jobs and she controls the Laurene Powell Jobs Trust. She’s got a pretty impressive educational background, having earned her undergrad degree from Penn and then getting an M.B.A. from Stanford too. Not only that, but she also has entrepreneurial spirit – she co-founded Terravera, a raw food materials company. When Laurene married Steve back in 1991, they had three kids together – Reed Erin and Eve. Even President Obama recognized her when he appointed her to his White House Council for Community Solutions!