9 Hot Sexy Karen Lynn Gorney Bikini Pics

Karen Lynn Gorney Bikini

Karen Lynn Gorney, best known for her role as Stephanie in the iconic movie “Saturday Night Fever”, has captivated audiences with her timeless beauty and talent. Her bikini photos showcase her stunning figure and radiant charm, making her an enduring source of inspiration for fans around the world. From her mesmerizing on-screen presence to her striking beachside captures, Karen Lynn Gorney continues to exude a magnetic allure that transcends time. Dive into the allure of this renowned movie actress with her breathtaking bikini photos, and be enthralled by her enduring appeal.

Karen Lynn Gorney Bikini Pics

About Karen Lynn Gorney

Karen Lynn Gorney is an American actress born on January 28, 1945, in California. She is best known for her role as Stephanie Mangano in the iconic film Saturday Night Fever. In addition to her acting career, she has also released three albums featuring her own original music.

Prior to her success in the entertainment industry, Gorney attended Carnegie Mellon University and Brandeis University. She has also appeared as a panelist on the popular game show Hollywood Squares.

In terms of personal life, Gorney was first married to Ken Golden and later wed Mark Toback in 1995.