10 Sexy Julia Campbell Bikini Pics

Julia Campbell Bikini

Julia Campbell, the talented movie actress known for her roles in popular films, captivates fans with her stunning bikini photos. As she gracefully showcases her beach-ready physique, Julia Campbell exudes confidence and beauty, captivating audiences worldwide. Whether she’s lounging by the shore or basking in the sun, her bikini photos showcase her effortless charm and undeniable allure. Discover the alluring world of Julia Campbell’s bikini snapshots and immerse yourself in her timeless elegance and glamour.

Julia Campbell Bikini Pics

About Julia Campbell

Julia Campbell, born on March 12, 1962 in Huntsville, Alabama, is a movie actress known for her role as Christie Masters-Christianson in the film Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion. She also starred in the 2006 film Tillamook Treasure.

Before rising to fame, she got her start as Katie Thompson on the show Ryan’s Hope after being born in Huntsville, Alabama. Additionally, she played Jerry Seinfeld’s girlfriend Lisi on the famous “Frogger” episode of Seinfeld.

Juila was previously married to actor and director Bernard White.