8 Hot Sexy Florence Griffith Joyner Bikini Pics

Florence Griffith Joyner Bikini

Runner Florence Griffith Joyner, also known as Flo-Jo, captivated the world with her phenomenal athleticism and iconic style. Her incomparable speed and impeccable fashion sense made her a global sensation. Now, you can admire her timeless beauty and unparalleled strength in these stunning bikini photos. Celebrating her legacy as a trailblazing athlete and fashion icon, these images showcase the grace and power that made Flo-Jo a legend. Step into the world of this remarkable Olympian and discover the allure of her iconic bikini photos.

Florence Griffith Joyner Bikini Pics

About Florence Griffith Joyner

Florence Griffith Joyner, born on December 21, 1959 in Los Angeles, California, was an American track and field athlete known for her world records in the 100 meter and 200 meter sprints. She achieved three gold medals at the 1988 Olympics along with two silver medals. Often referred to as “Flo-Jo,” she had to leave college to work as a bank teller due to family financial issues.

Following allegations of drug use after setting a trial world record at the 1988 Olympics, multiple tests proved these claims false. Florence briefly engaged Olympic hurdler Greg Foster before marrying Al Joyner and having a daughter named Mary Ruth.