7 Hot Sexy New Ciera Rogers Bikini Pics

Ciera Rogers Bikini

Welcome to the stunning world of Fashion Designer Ciera Rogers. Known for her impeccable taste and cutting-edge designs, Ciera’s bikini photos exude confidence, elegance, and style. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for creating luxurious swimwear, Ciera’s collection of bikini photos showcases her unparalleled talent and dedication to the art of fashion design. Prepare to be captivated by the allure and sophistication of Ciera Rogers’ bikini photos as she takes you on a journey through contemporary glamour and timeless beauty.

Ciera Rogers Bikini Pics

About Ciera Rogers

Ciera Rogers (born February 25, 1989) is a fashion designer and Instagram sensation known for founding the clothing line Babes and Felines. Based in Houston, Texas, she has gained a following of over 2.2 million on her personal Instagram account.

Prior to launching her own business, Rogers was frustrated with the lack of clothing options for curvy women, which inspired her to create her own fashion line. Notably, she inherited an online vintage store from her mother, Zoe Jackson-Jarra, in 2012.

Rogers’ upbringing included growing up with a younger sister named Christina in Houston, Texas.