10 Hot Sexy Carry Nation Bikini Pics

Carry Nation Bikini

Carry Nation, an influential activist known for her pivotal role in the temperance movement, remains a historical figure of great significance. Rarely seen images of Carry Nation in a bikini provide a captivating glimpse into the personal life of this iconic figure. These bikini photos of Carry Nation shed light on her private moments and offer a unique perspective on her personality outside of her well-documented public persona. Delving into these images not only offers a fresh perspective on this renowned activist, but also provides a noteworthy addition to the visual documentation of her life.

Carry Nation Bikini Pics

About Carry Nation

Carry Nation was an American activist born on November 25, 1846, in Kentucky. She is best known for her anti-alcohol crusade, during which she would physically destroy saloons with a hatchet.

Prior to gaining notoriety for her activism, Carry Nation worked as a nurse during the Civil War and tended to wounded soldiers of the Union army in Independence, Missouri.

She considered herself “a bulldog running along at the feet of Jesus,” reflecting the fervor with which she approached her cause.

In 1874, Carry Nation married David A. Nation, who was an attorney, journalist, and minister.