9 Hot Sexy Andrea Swift Bikini Pics

Andrea Swift Bikini

Andrea Swift, esteemed family member of the renowned singer-songwriter Taylor Swift, has captured the attention and admiration of fans with her stunning bikini photos. As a beloved figure in the world of entertainment, Andrea’s engaging presence and captivating beauty have garnered a substantial following. With her remarkable sense of style and graceful demeanor, Andrea has become a source of inspiration for many. Explore the breathtaking bikini photos of Andrea Swift that showcase her timeless elegance and undeniable allure, leaving a lasting impression on all who behold them.

Andrea Swift Bikini Pics

About Andrea Swift

Andrea Swift (born January 10, 1958) is a family member best known as the mother of pop/country music sensation Taylor Swift. She appears in the music video for Taylor’s song “Beautiful Eyes.”

Born in Pennsylvania, Andrea attended Memorial High School in Houston, Texas and later enrolled at the University of Houston. She married Scott Swift on February 20, 1988.

In April of 2015, she was diagnosed with cancer.