8 Hot Sexy Abigail Harrison Bikini Pics

Abigail Harrison Bikini

Introducing stunning bikini photos of Astronaut Abigail Harrison! Known for her out-of-this-world achievements in space exploration and her inspiring journey to become a future astronaut, Abigail Harrison is also turning heads with her breathtaking bikini photos. This collection captures her natural beauty and confidence, drawing attention from fans and followers worldwide. Explore these captivating images of Astronaut Abigail Harrison in her glamorous bikini poses, as she continues to inspire and empower young women to reach for the stars both literally and figuratively.

Abigail Harrison Bikini Pics

About Abigail Harrison

Abigail Harrison, born on June 11, 1997 in Minnesota, is an aspiring astronaut known for her role as Luca Parmatino’s Earth Liaison during his 2013 trip on the Soyuz-TMA-09M. She was accepted to Wellesley College after graduating from high school, the same Alma mater of former astronaut Pamela Melroy.

Harrison’s interest in space exploration began at a young age and she participated in the Minnesota Public School GEMS (Girls in Engineering, Math, and Science) program while in fifth grade. Additionally, she achieved varsity status in gymnastics, dive team and track and field during high school. In 2013 she delivered a TEDx talk.

She grew up in Minnesota which is also home to astronauts like Robert D. Cabana.