7 Hot Sexy Zoey Lily Bikini Pics

Zoey Lily Bikini

Zoey Lily is a British model and influencer known for her stunning bikini photos on social media. Her captivating images have garnered significant attention and praise for their aesthetic appeal and style. With a large following on various platforms, Zoey Lily’s bikini photos have become an integral part of her public persona, showcasing her confidence, fashion sense, and love for beachwear.

Zoey Lily Bikini Pics

About Zoey Lily

Zoey Lily is a Brazilian gospel singer known for her songs such as “Last Goodbye,” “Nothing,” and “More.” She was born on March 14, 1983 in Brazil. One of her earliest releases was the song “Edges” which came out in 2017. Zoey has amassed over 270,000 followers on her Instagram account. She married Israel Vasconcellos on July 14, 2016.